Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine Wishes For Ex Is It Appropriate For The Husband To Wish Happy Valentines Days To His Ex Wife?

Is it appropriate for the husband to wish happy valentines days to his ex wife? - valentine wishes for ex

just discovered that her husband had sent an email days Valentine's Day, your enough? You have 3 children, and to communicate with her, but hello to send Valentine? They do not know if I have reason to be upset about this .. It is a story of adultery in an earlier time, we had an agreement that there would be no interaction on maintenance. I'm annoyed that I see to offend. I would like other opinions I like her husband and come from different areas, and I'm not sure if this is for the United States to hear?


CowGilr Kassie said...

Although u sure you have the right, with such fury that is not acceptable in any way, I mean, she's his ex and now he is with u, should pay for the u and u just make sure that you have new feelings that I found it.


MM said...

Without knowing anything more that the card is sent, I do not think is a big problem, since he probably valentines specifically for divorced couples who are not so different versions of platonic friends. However, if there is a history of inappropriate behavior, and two had an agreement that nothing would not add to the fears of more, I think that beyond the cultural expectations. I choose not to fight anymore, but worth mentioning.

Sue B said...

If it with someone who is of mixed a first marriage and children, it does say I'm sorry, but that's life, if you do not want to marry.

He has the goal of more than child care with your children!
They should be of visits, gifts, attending special events, sporting events, is a father for the love of God! It is more a burden than aid alone.

As Valentine's delegate of Yugoslavia, I would say it is a NO NO.

Wayner said...

Normally I would say yes ... because I am from St. Valentine's Day cards and good wishes from friends, etc. This is not just a romantic journey. And I've always liked chocolate.

But - there was an agreement signed with her husband at the level of contact with his ex-wife. That hurt. You should probably sit down with him and talk about it - not in a way that screamed, but I say, how they were affected by the breach of the agreement.

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