Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lsu Aids Vaccine Tulane Or LSU For Business?

Tulane or LSU for Business? - lsu aids vaccine

I entered a number of universities this year, but things are up to two possibilities. My plan is to specialize in business (in an international perspective), and the cost is the main problem for my family, but my parents want to get the best possible education. Here are my options:

a) The school badge of honor in my state, Louisiana State University, and pay $ 6,500 per year. My parents will cover the costs, there are a number of classes that can test and maintain merit. From the LSU Business School is ranked No. 62, USNWR. Average starting salary for graduates is $ 47,000.

b) The Tulane. I was admitted to the honors program and get a good financial aid package, given the size of the school. I like Baton Rouge to New Orleans again, but I would like to participate in the production of $ 22,000 in Stafford loans over four years, but my parents would pay up to $ 10,000 per year. Tulane business program in the 54th USNWR ranks, and probably a degree from there would have more weight as one of LSU. Average starting salary for BusiNess graduates is $ 52,000, but as someone who carefully made out, I mean the difference of $ 5,000 anything, because LSU over Tulane graduates to jobs in the East Coast, where the cost of living has to take more high so the difference is not the best rating .

What should I choose? Tulane value of the additional cost compared to LSU? Are there other factors that are present, you should consider in my decision?


Justin said...

As a business graduate of LSU, I would say that the recognition I received was extremely positive. Go to college place you are always one step ahead, however.

In my opinion, go where you want, what you do and enjoy, wherever you are. If New Orleans is the best experience for (you) as a student, then go to Tulane. If you're really looking forward to your debt worries, as it is used in the region of the LSU a very good school (good) for the price.

Tulane has an attraction of private schools and private students. There are ups and downs of being in a strong mix of students, however. You will learn to push harder and to observe a better performance, but also much more. I was not at the top of my class, but good enough preformed courses for teachers, to my great recommendations. You may find it easier or harder than Tulane, in terms of unit / service.

PS cost of living is much cheaper in Baton Rouge. Get a part-time employment and decent summer internship and you can find the opportunityand enough to make their undergraduate degree with zero debt. (I)

GWU SKOAL KING/student! said...

Tulane brother .... better

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